Saturday, August 10, 2013

Healthy, Homemade Popcorn

A healthy, chemical-free, and cheap way to make popcorn at home! Instead of using butter or canola oil, coconut oil can be used as a substitute, given its many health benefits and ability to with-stand high temperatures. Plus, popcorn is so much cheaper to make at home! Hope you enjoy :)

coconut oil
seasoning (optional)

1. Find a medium - large sized pot with a lid, preferably a clear lid so you can see the kernels pop!
2. Spoon some coconut oil into the pot. Put enough in so that the bottom of the pot is covered in coconut oil.
3. Turn the heat on high and pop in 3 kernels.
4. Once all 3 kernels pop, the oil is hot enough to add in the other kernels. Don't add too much or the pot will overfill!
5. Allow kernels to pop until the popping slows to maybe a pop a second.
6. Salt and/or season.
7. Eat! :)

*Warning: Try to find a pot large enough to cover the size of the stove top. It can be hazardous if the popcorn overfills the pot and lands on the stove, especially when it's covered in oil.
organic, non-GMO kernels yum! :)

Melting the coconut oil

Waiting for the oil to heat up

Popping the kernels!

Yum! :)

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