Monday, September 30, 2013

DIY Cucumber Eye Mask

It is often said the eyes are windows to the soul... Whether you had a late night, bad case of allergies, or bout of stress, puffy eyes betray it all. There are some remedies people use such as cold spoons and fresh cucumber slices for puffy eyes. The coldness of the spoon reduces the amount of fluids that flow to the eye and induce puffiness, as does the coolness of the cucumber. Cucumbers also contain antioxidants that relieve irritation, and its high water content also help to moisturize the eye area. Unfortunately, I don't always have fresh cucumbers on hand being a college student with limited time and lack of transportation.. so I like to make my own cucumber eye masks which can be stored for a long time, and are always fresh and on hand  :) Here's how I make them!

Ingredients: cucumbers, cotton pads, plastic baggies

1. Chop up some cucumbers.
2. Throw them in a blender or juicer.
3. Pour cucumber pulp into a bowl or pan.
4. Take some cotton pads and soak them in the cucumber pulp until the cotton is fully saturated.
5. Pop the cotton pads in a plastic bag. Store in the freezer.
6. De-puff away :)

To use:
Take out two cucumber eye masks and let it thaw for a minute. Please please thaw! Remember that scene from A Christmas Story where Ralphie gets his tongue stuck to a frozen pole? It would suck to have it get stuck to your skin...which happened to me once with a frozen spoon... never again!
I like to use these cucumber eye masks in the morning to wake me does having a block of ice on your face would probably do... That way I walk out the door having no sign of late-night cramming and a fresh eye for learning :)

Hope this helps!

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